CPU, that's sometimes called just "processor", is an abbreviation for Central Processing Unit. This is the core of each computer or hosting server, due to the fact that it runs all of the calculations and logical input/output operations. Though the performance of an Internet site or an application relies on other things as well, like the amount of physical memory or the online connectivity of the hosting server, the speed at which a given processor works determines how fast an app shall be executed. Later-generation processors have multiple cores which can seriously increase their overall power and efficiency, because each core can control numerous processes independently or a number of cores can deal with one process that requires a substantial computing power. As every core runs at a certain speed, this architecture can be viewed as a few separate processors working together.

CPU Share in VPS

The CPU speeds provided by our Linux VPS differ greatly and you can choose the VPS with the most appropriate resources for your sites. When you need a VPS for just one site which does not have lots of visitors, for example, you can acquire a low-end plan, that'll also be more affordable compared to the high-end plans offering massive CPU quotas and which can certainly match a dedicated server. We create only a few VPS accounts on powerful web servers with 16-core processors, so the CPU share you will get with your new plan shall be guaranteed at all times and the performance of your hosting server won't be affected by other virtual accounts on the same exact physical server. Upgrading from one plan to another requires a couple of mouse clicks from the billing CP and the additional CPU share will be allotted to your account straightaway.

CPU Share in Dedicated Hosting

Our dedicated server solutions have a range of hardware configurations, therefore, based on what you need the web server for and on your budget, you can pick the right one for you. In addition to the different RAM and disk space allocations, every package deal features different CPU shares too. The CPUs which we offer have 2-12 cores, so you could choose the plan that'll suit your needs best. With the most powerful package, each and every application which you run on the server will run extremely quick regardless what resources it needs and no matter how many people are using it all at once, but even the lower-end package deals are good enough for most kinds of sites. The efficiency of the CPUs is reviewed along with all the other hardware parts, as a way to make sure that the hosting server which we will hand over to you will work faultlessly and at optimum capacity all of the time.